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favorite hobbies are horse back riding and team penning they are fun and
you learn a lot of things , like balance , responsibility , and not to
give up. The not giving up part is pretty important because if you
get thrown off or the horse won't do what you want and you just give up
the horse keeps doing it because he thinks that its okay. That also happens
in life so its a kind of a little bit of good for both worlds.
For those of you who are wondering what in the world team penning is try to picture this in your mind. You and two other teammates on horses enter a pen. At the end you are at there is a pen with a wing jotting out to one side. At the other end are 24 ornery steers with numbers on their necks (1-8). They are divided into eight groups : three in each group , each group having matching numbers. The object of all this stuff is within 90 seconds , put all the steers in the pen that have the number which you are given at the start of the ride. Hence the team that gets the steers in the pen in the shortest amount of time wins. This all sounds quite confusing to some one who has never seen it. But it's pretty easy to catch on once you watch for awhile. It's also pretty exciting once you get out there and start going full bore after a sour steer. So usually that is what I do every other weekend in the summer. As for my horses I have two : Freckles my first and favorite is a seven year old paintaloosa as I call him. He and I are a perfect match. My second is a two year old gray quarter horse named Zeke. I broke Zeke myself and am still training him at the present time. I guess you could say I got started riding when I was about 3 or 4 when I got a donkey named Jack he was like 34 years old when I got him. He loved kids and he put up with all sorts of things. As far as i'm concerned i'll be a n avid horsemenall my life.